
Friday, 13 April 2012

Going nude with Rimmel's Caramel Cupcake

Today I went nude. On my nails, obviously! Now, nude nails are not something I do very often. I'm more of a statement colour kind of girl, but I thought it was about time I experimented with a new look. I've tried nude polish in the past, but every shade I've tried hasn't quite gone with my skin tone (making my nails look dirty or plain weird) - but finally I found a nude I like and it goes by the rather cute name of Rimmel London 60 Seconds Polish in 500 Caramel Cupcake. Yum!

Two coats of polish plus top coat

I was very impressed with the colour pigmentation and the claim of '60 seconds' - as although I ended up putting on quite a thick coat of polish, it dried fairly quickly and looks very smooth on the nail. All in all I think I'll go 'nude' again (only ever on the nails, don't worry!)



  1. What a gorgeous colour :)

    Laura xoxo

  2. Beautiful color!!! nice blog!!
    Take a look on my blog and if you like art and fashion we can follow each other?
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  3. I've got that one and I love it! Loving the blog Nat, have picked up some good tips :) x

  4. I've been looking for a nice nude nail varnish which isn't pearly, too dark or too light as well as being inexpensive. Is this your favourite nude colour or is there a better one I should try? Thanks! x
